~ A Young Adult and Fantasy Book Blog ~

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Sooooo...I think it's pretty obvious that I'm currently enjoying my mid semester break because I'm updating my blog every few hours..hihi.

So, I have the luxury of sitting in front of my laptop, and huzzah! I've been blessed with many cover reveals throughout this week. Let's take a look at my personal top 5.

5. Solstice by P.J. Hoover 
Everything about the cover exudes badassery, don't you think? I really like the cover scheme. The only thing that bothers me is the short. It's not a bad thing, it's a practical thing to wear when you live in a dystopian world. The problem is meeeeeeee!! I need to stop liking covers because of the dress :/

4. With All My Soul (Soul Screamers #7) by Rachel Vincent
Which brings me to my top 4. Soul Screamers books always have breathtaking covers but the series is just too long to attract me now, I think I'm going to pass! Next!

3. The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater (paperback)
Trust me, that's the picture with highest definition I came across so far. But I still like it far better than the default hardback cover. I've yet to read this though. Which is a shame since I'm a self-declared Maggie's fan.

2. Fox Forever (Jenna Fox Chronicles #3) by Mary E. Pearson
I had never heard of this series or this author before but JUST LOOK AT THAT COVER! It makes me so want to find out what is this book about!

1. Pantomime by Laura Lam
This cover was revealed on the same day as Opal (Lux #3) cover reveal. May I say that Opal cover reveal was overshadowed by this? I know that Strange Chemistry books always have good cover but I never thought that they'll be capable of producing this beauty!

Do you have your own personal favourite cover reveal this week?


I really love the Solstice cover. That one definitely stood out for me this week.

Isn't it? Solstice is definitely a book we should keep our eyes for. :)

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