~ A Young Adult and Fantasy Book Blog ~

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NetGalley Knock Down is a very laid back month-long digital copy read-a-thon hosted by Pretty Deadly Reviews.

This are the galleys I'm hoping to finished this whole month.
Glitch (Glitch, #1)The Assassin's Curse (The Assassin's Curse, #1)
Moonglow (Darkest London, #2)Defiance (Defiance, #1)

Two down, two more to go!


Just followed you via Networked Blogs! I have Glitch in my TBR pile too! MoonGlow looks interesting, love the cover!

Thanks! I still have to read the first book, Fireflight before jumping to Moonglow though :P

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Hi! I welcome comments and feedback! But because I suck at HTML code, I don't know how to add reply button to each comment (I tried googled it but I think this template doesn't allow such change), so I will be very lousy at keeping track of the comments but it doesn't mean that I don't appreciate your comments! ^_^

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